Stage Combat & Stunt Organizations
Other places that we love for more stage combat training
Actor’s Gymnasium: Circus and theatre school with stage combat classes in Chicago, IL
Art in Arms: Minneapolis, MN
Arte Violenta: New York City, NY
Babes with Blades: Theatre company in Chicago, IL
Havoc Movement: Atlanta, GA
Intimacy Professionals Education Collective (IPEC): Workshops and classes for intimacy professionals in film and live performances
Neutral Chaos Combat: New York City, NY
Open Gate Movement Arts: Chicago, IL
RC-Annie: Stage and screen combat company based in the UK
SAGA Action Arts: New York City-based stage combat school.
Society of American Fight Directors: National and internationally recognized organization teaching classes in stage combat
The Noble Blades: Washington, D.C. area-based stage combat troupe.
Martial Arts Organizations
Looking for some martial arts training? Try one of these Michigan-local groups!
Ann Arbor Capoeira: Ann Arbor based capoeira training.
Ann Arbor Sword Club: Teaching classes in historical and modern fencing
Creative Movement Brazil: Detroit Based organization teaching classes in capoeira and batucada
Close Quarters Combat Academy: Self-defense school with modern, reality-based curriculum
Michigan Medieval: Historical European Martial Arts guild based out of Livonia, MI.
Michigan Wing Chun Academy: Teaching modern wing chun kung fu in SE Michigan
The Saber Legion - Michigan: Michigan charter of an international light saber dueling organization
Educational Resources for Film & Theatre
Additional resources for your next film or theatrical project
Corridor Digital - Corridor Crew: VFX company with educational YouTube videos about CGI, stunts, and animation
Intimacy Directors & Coordinators: Network and training resources for intimacy professionals in the entertainment industry
Michigan Educational Thespian Association: Non-profit committed to the advancement of educational theatre
Motion Picture Institute: Southeast Michigan film school